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Article: Results of a Stanford Study Reveals Kids with Autism Show Less Brain Flexibility

 This article presents the results of a Stanford University, published in the July 29 (2017?) issue of the journal, Cerebral Cortex.

Here are actual excerpts from the article:

Children with autism have more trouble switching gears between resting and performing tasks than children without the disorder, leading Stanford researchers to believe their brains are less flexible than the brains of healthy children.

In a recent study, the researchers performed functional magnetic resonance imaging on the brains of children with and without autism. They measured areas of the brain that are involved in making decisions, taking on social tasks and analyzing events. The children underwent imaging while they were at rest, doing simple math problems or trying to distinguish faces.

Children with autism distinguished between faces and solved math problems as well as normally developing children. But images showed that their brains had more problems switching between rest and performing tasks.

Brain connectivity changed less between rest and activity in kids with autism than it did in other children. The degree of brain inflexibility was also correlated with the degree to which a child had restrictive and repetitive behaviors.

Gifted Teens With Autism Connect With Like-Minded Kids At Math And Science Camp

The University of Iowa is working to include teens on the autism spectrum in its programs for gifted students.

October 16, 2019

Heard on NPR's All Things Considered

Article: The Educational Tyranny of the Neurotypicals

Published in the 9/6/18 edition of the on-line "Wired." Authored by Joi Ito, the article discusses the issue of "Neurotypical" conditions, including Autism, and suggests that even the broad notion of education may be outdated, and we need a completely new approach to empower learning.

Website: Autism Beacon

 Autism Beacon strives to supply the best resources for autism treatments. Presents a lengthy range of articles, including sensitive topics such as bullying and sexuality.


Managed by parents, AutismWeb includes insights on different autism teaching methods. Also provides a forum where parents can go to share their stories, give updates on their childrens' progress, and share recipes that may be useful for picky eaters.

Website: Autism Highway

Started by a parent of a child with autism, Autism Highway is both informative and fun. Easy to navigate, it provides an extensive list of events and specialists. Includes many fun games.

Website: Autism Society

Includes helpful resources for those with autism, family members, as well as professionals. Also offers updates on the latest autism news and press releases.

Website: The Autism Research Institute

The Autism Research Institute focuses on researching the causes of autism, as well as developing safe and effective treatments for those currently affected by the disorder. 

Website: Autism Speaks

One of the leading autism science and advocacy organizations. Autism Speaks provides a comprehensive resource guide for all states. The site also offers a list of apps that parents may find useful, including games that focus on communication and social skills.

Website: Autism New Jersey

 Run by a network of professionals and parents, Autism New Jersey strives to provide New Jersey residents affected by autism with the most up to date information, including info on Health Care and insurance mandates in New Jersey.

Website: Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association

The Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association website offers some great resources for those with higher functioning autism. Provides a list of summer programs and day camps in New York, as well as useful questions to ask when choosing a camp or summer program for your special needs child.

Website: Site for Kids with Tourettes Syndrome

This website was created by The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation.

Book: “The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger's"

Book: “The Loving Push” 

by Temple Grandin, PhD. and Debra Moore (2015)


Book Review: "Autism"

This book review appeared on the "Special" website.

Article: A Vision for a Child with Autism

From the New York Times 8/31/2017

Article: Life in a Harsh New Light

This article appeared as a blog post in the March 3, 2018 issue of The New York Times.  Subtitle: "How an experimental autism treatment cost me my marriage."

Article: Autism Healing Thresholds

This article includes information on different therapy treatments. It appears on a website that focuses on the top 12 used by parents, but also includes useful information on nearly 100 additional therapies.

Article: Brain's Wiring Different in Kids with Autism and Sensory Processing Disorders

This article appeared on the website of University of California San Francisco on July, 2014.

Article: Autism Risk Seen in Moms with Pesticide Exposure

This article appeared in the SF Gate.

Article: The Kids who Beat Autism

This article appeared in the August 3, 2014 issue of The New York Times magazine.

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